A Christian’s Job Interview


Some of you may have already read the title and asked yourself…..What!? It is the same response I have when I see Christians base someone’s ability by looking at their appearance. We act just as Jesse did when Samuel came to anoint the next King. He thought that his other sons were to be the next King. They looked good, they smelled good, they were tall, strong and handsome. Just as Saul was. However, neither of them was what God wanted. God instead wanted the pastor of sheep. The man that worked with sheep, that no one paid any attention to, the man that only God had eyes for. Samuel didn’t get it until after he saw all of Jesse’s children. We, the church, do exactly the same! We are too busy looking for the person that smells good, dresses good, a person that is social, a person that looks glamorous. But, does this person have the type of heart that God is looking for? Does the church always ask this question?

Well, what does the Bible say?

1 Samuel 16:7,

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” (ESV)

We as a church have a problem, we are so focused on one’s appearance instead of one’s heart! It is so easy for us to look at the outward appearance and judge instead of asking God to show us someone’s true potential. This is what the Prophet Samuel did. He was so focused on how a king should look instead of the king that God wanted. We as Christians fail in this aspect we let appearance decide for us. We need to stop and let God decide for us. It is important to understand that there are Christians who want to do more, who want to be involved more, who want to grow. However, because of the church, these people cannot move forward because they are kept in the back pasturing sheep. We are too busy choosing those that God has already rejected, the ones that look glamorous on the outside but on the inside are so different. Since when did a relationship with God become a job interview? Does God only accept those that dress nice, that are tall, that are handsome/beautiful, or does God accept all kinds of people? Well, scripture says, “For God shows no partiality.” (Rom. 2:11, ESV)

You see the outward appearance doesn’t qualify someone, it is the heart, the intention that qualifies someone. We need to stop qualifying people and let God be the one to judge. Let God be the one to examine the hearts of man. The Bible says, “I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” (Jer. 17:10, ESV)

Today, I challenge you to ask God to help you see the heart of those that you encounter today. Whether that be at church, school, or your job. God Bless!

Please, comment your thoughts!

God Bless!


The Unidentified Believer




3 thoughts on “A Christian’s Job Interview

  1. Lots of Christians already fail by not seeing who Jesus is and Who is the divine Creator. The majority of Christians have taken the sent one form God as their own god and refuse to accept the Words of God Who declared that man of flesh, bones and blood to be His only begotten son.

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